Working and playing with Lego either individually or in a small group can be beneficial to children in multiple ways, and this is why, at Astor International School we offer it as part of our Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs). The students at Astor are learning incredible things each time they engage with Lego. This includes working on some of our Astor Personal Goals!
1. Teamwork and Collaboration
While students work collaboratively with their peers to create something together, they are building on their social skills. Students learn to work as a team and listen to each other in order to achieve a common goal. Working as a small group allows students to create new friendships and encourages them to feel excited to share with others.
2. Creative Thinking
Lego allows children to explore their imagination and creativity. Building with Lego gives students the opportunity to be storytellers and creators by giving them the space to create in their own way and express themselves. They can be as adventurous and creative as they want and have the avenue to let their imaginative juices flow! Individually or collaboratively, they will be able to test, experiment and build on new ideas to build something completely new!

3. Problem–solving
While kids attempt to fit together pieces to create their masterpieces, they are constantly having to solve problems, most of the time without realising they are stuck with a problem. While they attempt to build walls or staircases for their houses, they are figuring out what works and what doesn’t. They are using their problem-solving skills to find ways to make their creations come to life. Practicing these skills allows children to develop skills that create a habit in their minds to problem-solve in other areas of their lives. Successful problem-solving promotes a sense of self-confidence in kids which is important while they are growing up.
4. Spatial Skills
Spatial skills are the ability to visualise and mentally manipulate objects, shapes and locations. Spatial skills are something we can improve through training and practice. There is a strong correlation between spatial skills and building structures with lego. Complex structures require kids to make use of their knowledge of shapes and diagrams. This allows them to reproduce a specific design. Learning how they can stack and fit together different pieces to produce their design allows children to develop an intuition about spatial relationships.
5. Accomplishment
Last but not least, students gain a sense of accomplishment when they have finished their amazing designs. They are always excited to show off their works of art and are incredibly proud of it. Most of the time, they are enthusiastic to see how the idea in their head can be pieced together in reality. They are always excited for the detailed houses, cars, train stations and even airplanes they build for mini people to live and travel in. They enjoy creating their own little Lego community. With this excitement, they develop their self-confidence to make even more designs with more complex purposes!