Reading itself is essential to a child’s success, but the role of libraries in a child’s development is also very important. Some people question how libraries impact children when technology is so readily available. At Astor International School the students are taken twice a term to the library to learn responsibilities of borrowing books and using the library.

One of the benefits of taking a child to the library is that you are establishing an example of a good reader. Forming a close relationship with the library teaches a child that resources like books are easily available to them.

Here are some other important reasons why libraries are beneficial for children:
1. Reduces stress
Reading has been known to help calm a reader who is experiencing stress. Helping young students connect reading to a low-anxiety activity can offer a powerful coping mechanism for dealing with stress later in life.
2. Increases Empathy
Reading can increase a person’s empathy, helping them imagine other people’s emotions. Learning about different opinions builds an understanding of values and cultures outside the student’s viewpoint. Books let children consider multiple perspectives and have a better understanding of others actions.
3. Love of Learning
Libraries cater for almost every interest, topic and question your children might have. The resources and services at the library provide opportunities for learning and support education. They are gateways to authentic records of knowledge and past generations of culture.

4. Expands Imagination
Reading books can expand your world in plenty of ways. They can offer portals into real and imaginary worlds, also teleport you to any time – past or future. Books can assist children to go into the minds of other people, animals, creatures and cultures.
5. Increases Language and Literacy Skills
The amount of time spent with books is crucial for a child’s reading achievements. Reading more books broadens a child’s vocabulary and language skills. The library plays a key role in developing literacy and the pleasure of reading, so it is the perfect place for thinking and learning.

Astor International School recommendations before visiting the library:
Tell your child that you are going to the library and let them know it’s a place where we can choose some books to borrow for a while. However, you must return the books when we’ve finished so someone else can read them.
Practice using quiet voices at home.
Remind the child we can’t run around or shout inside the library.
At the library, go to the appropriate section and encourage your child to browse the books.
If the library has a quiet reading corner. Sit with your child, read some books together and decide which ones to borrow.